Yoga in the Black Community book launch 2024: Help Us Represent!

Yoga in the Black Community: Healing Practices and Principles is a book designed for Black yoga teachers who are teaching or plan to teach in communities of color and for Black yoga practitioners in general. The book shares the basis of how yoga practices teaches us to learn how to be, know and do through the study of self and nature.

 The book explores key core yoga teacher training competencies (yoga philosophy, asana, pranayama, and mediation) within the African American cultural context. Key concepts include Black cultural norms around pain, trauma, and resilience; cultural and religious taboos of yoga in the Black community; health disparities in the Black community, historical use of natural modalities of healing in the Black community; and the practical application and applications of traditional yogic principles within Black cultural norms.

Healthy Weight, Healthy You!

2nd Edition Now Available!

Healthy Weight, Healthy You! Achieving your ideal weight by exploring the mind-body connection to weight loss provides a well-rounded, holistic approach to achieving your weight loss goals. This book explores how your feelings, thoughts, actions and environmental factors influence eating behaviors and how you can develop strategies to break old habits.

Urban Gemstone Tea

Urban Gem Tea infusion is blended to balance your body using the healing properties of gemstones and crystals. On a cellular level, our bodies and gemstones have similar mineral properties. This synergy makes us naturally receptive to the vibrations of the stones as they transmit, reflect, store light and receive energy. According to the law of physics, thoughts direct energy and energy follows thought. Each of the crystal energy pieces serves as a tool to help the thoughts of your consciousness connect with your body.

Our Current Tea Blends:

Marvelous Mint Melody (Peppermint, Spearmint, Lemon Balm, Lavender)

Rest Easy Tea (Lemon Balm, Chamomile, Lavender, Hops)

Winter Cold Chaser (Vervain, Hibiscus Flower, Nettle Leaf)

Calming Celebrations (Chamomile, Nettle Leaf, Lavender)

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